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Learn to Program with  CodeSciLab

CodeLab lessons will teach you the basics of programming in Python to solve real-world science problems.

We have created a number of lessons that range in topic from biology to statistics to physics to image analysis. These lessons assume no prior knowledge in programming or any of these scientific fields. Programming beginners will probably want to proceed through the first lessons in order, but you should also feel free to jump to lessons that interest and excite you!

Our Lessons

Lesson 1 Icon.png

Lesson 1: Introduction to Programming I

If you've never written a line of code, this is a great place to start to learn all of the programming basics!




25 minutes

Lesson 2 Art.png

Lesson 2: Introduction to Programming II

Now that you have the basics down, you can start writing code to solve real-world problems!

Data Types


20 minutes

Lesson 2 Icon.png

Lesson 3: Introduction to Programming III

With variables, you can apply conditional logic to write increasingly complex code

30 minutes

If Statements

Conditional Logic

Nested Statements

Lesson 4 Art.png

Lesson 4: Inheritance Probability

What if Gregor Mendel had a computer when he was doing his famous pea experiments?

Mendel's Peas

Punnett Squares

30 minutes

Lesson 5 Art.png

Lesson 5: Data Visualization I

Start visualizing your data as more than 0s and 1s in beautiful plots! 



Summary Statistics

20 minutes

Lesson 6 Art.png

Lesson 6: Data Visualization II

Proteins perform a lot of the functions in our cells, but are encoded by just a 4 letter alphabet - build your own!


Box plots


25 minutes

Lesson 7 Art.png

Lesson 7: Build Your Own Protein I

Proteins perform a lot of the functions in our cells, but are encoded by just a 4 letter alphabet - built your own!

Genetic Code


20 minutes

Lesson 6 Art.png

Lesson 8: Build Your Own Protein II

Proteins perform a lot of the functions in our cells, but are encoded by just a 4 letter alphabet - built your own!

For Loops

List Methods


25 minutes

Lesson 7 Art.png

Lesson 9: Image Processing

Computer vision so bright, you need to wear shades!

20 minutes

Image Processing

Advanced methods

Lesson 8 Art.png

Lesson 10: Carbon Dating

How do we know how old dinosaur bones are? From the carbon in their bones!


Best Fit

Rate Constants

Half Lives

20 minutes

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